These Counters Are Available to All Our Users

Need a counter for your homepage? You are welcome to set one up yourself for free using a script developed by Surfari.Net's staff. You can choose any of the below GIF images to use for a "hit" counter, or you can choose to have a plain text (012345) type. If you are familiar with setting up scripts, you can get the script with directions included from our FTP site. The file name is COUNTER.CGI. If you would like Surfari.Net to set it up for you, please send E-Mail to for details and pricing information.

A few hints; When selecting an image to use on your page, keep in mind the color or design you plan to use for your background. Some of the images on this page will look really nice placed on a page with just the right background setting. Also, page placement, putting text in front of or right behind (on the same line) as the counter can cause spacing between the digits, try putting your text above and below the actual counter line, this can prove to work better.

1. Small Red

4. Turquoise

8. Purple

9. Green & Red

10. Aqua

12. Gold Design

13. Color Balls

14. Big Odometer

15. Designer

16. SurfariComic

19. SurfariLion

20. SurfariCoolBlu

25. BluShadow

26. LightBlu

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