Can't reach a site or file
If you get stalled out while trying to download a file, try
to find out if you can get the same file from a different
site. Sometimes you can successfully download a file during
a busy time by choosing a server that's in a different time
zone. For example, if you live in the Eastern United States
and are having trouble downloading a file at 10:00 a.m.,
you might have better luck with a West Coast site, where
the time is 7:00 a.m.
When you click on a URL during an Internet rush hour, you
may get a dialog box informing you that the site returned
information, but you can't get to the page. Don't give up
too quickly--often you can reach the desired page just by
trying again immediately. If you can't make it after three
or four tries, consider coming back to it later, but don't
assume the URL is dead.
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