Click on one of the following topics to go to that area of this page.
There is a lot of stuff here (and a lot of it is technical), please
forward any comments, suggestions, additions, and errors to:
A virus is usually designed to replicate and distribute
itself. In the process it may cause damage to your computer,
but not always. Most frequently, a virus is distributed via e-mail
(usually as an attachment). When you receive this e-mail and
execute the attachment (either intentionally or not), the virus code will
operate and perform it's function...usually without your knowledge.
Some computer viruses are transported via programs that are available on the
internet as 'downloads'. These downloaded programs are copied from
the internet site and then reside on your hard drive. Once the
downloaded program is executed, the virus code operates and performs it's
Here's an article that was sent to us, discussing why a virus or worm
is created:
Virus Awareness Month: Who Writes This Stuff?
After hearing about a virus, you might be wondering who writes viruses and
why do they do it? This is not a simple question, and has actually been
the subject of many studies all around the globe. (Click the link below to
find an article written on that very subject.) People who write viruses
appear to come from all walks of life. The most common excuse hackers give
for writing destructive viruses is the following: ".to expose the frailty
of the system." Perhaps, but this bothersome as well as pathetic excuse
to engage in sociopathic behavior exonerates the writer only in his/her
own mind and distances him/her from the damage s/he causes.
Simply put: There is absolutely no legitimate reason to write
intentionally destructive programs other than to inflict damage to other
people. Viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other destructive programs are
not a form of expression, a show of talent, or a hobby; writing any or all
is a degenerative act propagated by misguided need for respect that only
seems legitimate to the author.
I dare any of these virus writers to face the thousands of persons who
have had emails, pictures, notes, books, ideas, and dreams destroyed and
explain that they were simply trying to "expose the frailty of the
Want to learn more? Click
here for a detailed article on virus writers.
You can go to a number of internet sites in order to determine if you are
dealing with a hoax, here a a few:
Symantec Hoaxes List
Symantec Virus Software
Just obtaining a Virus Protection Program is not sufficient, you need to
be sure to KEEP IT
UPDATED. It is recommended to CHECK FOR UPDATES WEEKLY. This way
you can be assured to have the latest Virus Protection capability for new
viruses that are being created. Each virus scan program has
it's own way to do this, generally there is an 'Update' option in the main
program that uses the internet to contact the home author web-site and
retrieve the latest virus definition file (sometimes called a .DAT or
'signature' file). This file is then automatically installed
on your computer so you can check for newer virus versions. Be
sure to check the "Help" screens for your particular virus protection
program for the actual procedure.
Be advised, though, some newer e-mail virus' are becoming more
deadly. They are taking credit for the fact that many e-mail
programs have a default 'preview' window, which opens the e-mail
automatically when the title is highlighted in the list of available
e-mail messages. This can launch an e-mail virus, before you
have time to stop it. The best advice in this case is to turn
off any 'preview' windows (generally by going into your e-mail program and
clicking on "View" and then clicking on "Layout").
Some Virus Detection and Prevention Tips
W95.Klez Virus/Worm
One of the worst features is that it replicates itself by sending off
e-mail when you are on-line, usually without you being aware of this. This
is very similar to other virus activity, however in this case it will
often use one of the e-mail addresses in your address book as the 'From:' effect hiding the origin of the e-mail, making it look like
it came from that person instead of you! This causes the 'other'
person to look as if they are the one spreading the virus.
Another nasty feature of this virus/worm is that it tries to prevent you
from loading, installing, or updating your virus protection software. I
have personally seen a computer where the installation of Norton
Anti-Virus was halted because the computer was infected by this virus/worm
and it deleted executable files during the setup! Very clever! You can
get help from the virus software sites (a tool to remove the virus so you
can install your virus protection software).
Here's an article that goes into more detail on this virus/worm:
Symantec Security Updates
Other Sites:
Doug Muth's Anti-Virus Help Page
If you suspect illegal activity - (attn: SAFETeam)
General Info About Computer Viruses
Virus Hoaxes
Although this is sound advice, it generally causes more harm than
good. Many people are unaware of the potential of receiving
'phoney' virus information and continue to forward the message along to
others. This causes an increase in internet mail traffic and sometimes
may overload mail servers if sufficient copies of the e-mail are
Symantec Joke List
McAfee Virus Hoaxes
F-Secure Hoaxes
Truth about Computer Virus Myths & Hoaxes
How Do You Protect Yourself?
McAfee Virus Scan Software
F-Secure Anti-Virus Software
ThunderBYTE Anit-Virus Software
Thanks to the McAfee Virus Tips Page
Recent 'Activity' of Note
This little guy is a pretty nasty one. It's been raising havoc not only on the
internet, but on personal comptuers due to it's nasty features. There's
actually a number of 'variants' of this virus/worm, they are all very simlar.
Links to help you out
McAfee Virus Information Library
Rob Slade's Antiviral Review FAQ
Anti-Virus.Com Information
Tim O'Leary Anti Virus Resource Site
CERT Advisory Update on Home Virus
Problems (excellent info)
on the 'sircam' worm
Info about a new
'worm' that claims to be an anti-virus solution
Computer Myths and Hoaxes
Utility that searches for and cleans Nimda.A Worm
There is a group called the FBI "SAFETeam", a group specifically designed
to look into internet related crimes:
310-477-6565 ext. 4120