Windows 95 Internet Explorer News Settings

You can open the initial news screen from Explorer for Win95 from the toolbar at the top called Mail, it has a little envelope icon on it. This screen shows you how to click on the news tab to open a window and at the bottom you will highlighted Options, click on it to get the next screen which is displayed below.

Here, you see all the settings to change for your News Reader account on Surfari.Net. Make sure to enter all the information correctly or you will not be able to access Newsgroups.

-Your "real name" refers to just that, say John Doe or Fred Smith.
-Your "E-Mail Address" refers to just that, or whatever your unique "username" is followed by the
-You will now be able to download a list of available newsgroups from the news server. Be advised that this list can be rather large and take a few minutes to download. -Two groups you should keep up on are "surfari.misc" and "". These are direct support groups for Surfari Internet Providers.

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